Casa Colina Surgery Center offers a wide range of procedures within many different surgical specialties. Those specialties are:
GI Procedures
Your body’s digestive system (also called your gastrointestinal system or GI tract) plays a key role in your overall health and well-being. Click on each procedure to find out more information, including an overview of each procedure, what to expect and how to prepare.
- Colonoscopy
- Upper Endoscopy
- Placement/removal of feeding tubes
Orthopedic Procedures
Orthopedics involves the bones, joints, tendons and ligaments, as well as the muscles that move them. A variety of procedures are offered on an outpatient basis to diagnose and treat many disorders associated with the skeletal system. Click on each procedure to find out more information, including an overview of each procedure, what to expect and how to prepare.
- Joint Arthroscopy: Knee, Shoulder and Ankle
- ACL Repair
- Rotator Cuff Repair
- Open Reduction Internal Fixation (ORIF)
- Manipulation of joints
- Simple fractures
- Surgery of tendons, ligaments and nerves
Hand Procedures
- Carpal Tunnel Release Surgery
- Micro surgery of the hand
- Excision of Tumors and neuromas
- Tendon repair and/or lengthening
- Skin grafts
- Fracture care
- Tendon releases
Pain Management
Pain management works to reduce acute and chronic pain in patients, covering a wide spectrum of conditions. Click on each procedure to find out more information, including an overview of each procedure, what to expect and how to prepare.
- Pain Stimulator Insertion (Spinal Cord Stimulation)
- Epidural Steroid Injection
- Facet injections
- Joint Injections
- Stimulator and implant placement
- Insertion of permanent pumps
- Sympathetic Nerve blocks
- Radiofreqency Neurolysis
- Discography
- Minimally Invasive Lumbar Decompression (MILD PROCEDURE)
Hemorrhoid Procedures
About half of all adults over 50 have hemorrhoids. It used to be that creams and topical treatments were temporary, and surgery to remove them was painful with long recovery times. But now hemorrhoids can be permanently treated on a non-surgical, outpatient basis in literally minutes.
Gallbladder Procedures
Since your gallbladder is an organ you can live without, many problems get better if your gallbladder is removed. This surgery is called laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Click on each procedure to find out more information, including an overview of the procedure, what to expect and how to prepare.
Neurosurgery Procedures
- Lumbar Microdiscetomies
- Lumbar Laminectomies
- Anterior Cervical disectomies & Fusions
- Carpal Tunnel & Ulnar Nerve surgery
- Kyphoplasy
Urology Procedures
- Cystoscopy, Ureteroscopy
- Lithotrispy (ESWL)
- Prostate surgery
- Vasectomies & vasectomy reversal
- Circumcision
- Bladder sling procedures
- Sacral Nerve Implants
General Surgery
- Hernia Repair
- Breast Surgery
- Breast Biopsy/ Lumpectomy
- Skin surgery
- Insertion of Ports/ Catheters
Podiatry Procedures
Podiatry focuses on the prevention, diagnoses and treatment of conditions associated with the foot and ankle. Click on each procedure to find out more information, including an overview of each procedure, what to expect and how to prepare.
- Arthroplasty of First MPJ including Prosthetic Implants
- Bunionectomy
- Calcaneal Spur: Anterior/Inferior
- Excision Spurs
- Metatarsal Osteotomy, Partial Metatarsectomy (head resection)
- Osteotomies
- Removal Exostosis
- Surgery/Removal of Toenails
- Sesamoidectomy, Plantar, First MP
Eye Procedures
We offer a range of procedures at our ambulatory surgery center (ASC) to assist you and your physician in treating an eye condition. Click on each procedure to find out more information, including an overview of each procedure, what to expect and how to prepare.
- Aspiration of aqueous humor
- Biopsy, conjunctiva, eyelid, cornea
- Blepharoplasty, upper/lower
- Canthus excision
- Canthoplasty
- Cataract, with or without lens implant
- Cataract repair post-op defect
- Chalazion Excision
- Corneal ulcer curettage
- Cyst excision
- Ectropion functional and cosmetic repair
- Entropion repair
- Exam under anesthesia
- Excision and repair conjunctiva lesion
- Exploration of orbit
- Eyelid surgery
- Eye muscle surgery
- Foreign body removal
- Iridectomy
- Lacrimal duct probing
- Lacrimal duct reconstruction/dilation
- Lasik
- Pars Plana Vitrectomy
- Pterygium excision with or without graft
- Repair corneal laceration
- Therapeutic retrobulbar injection
- Vitreous aspiration
- Laser:
- YAG Laser
- SLT Laser
- Femto Second Laser
- Eximer Laser
- Supervision/administration of IV Conscious Sedation**(**completion of competency assessment required)